Rock The Vote
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Rock The Vote
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/** * rockthevote.sp * Provides RTV Map Voting * * Changelog: * * Version 1.4 * - Abandoned Hungarian notation * - Stopped RTV from triggering when last player disconnects. * - Removed LANG_SERVER wherever possible. * - Added sm_rtv_minplayers cvar * - Added sm_rtv_nominate cvar * - Added sm_rtv_addmap command. * - Fixed crashes due to small mapcycles. * - New phrase: "Minimal Players Not Met" * - New phrase: "Map Inserted" * - New phrase: "Map Already in Vote" * - Added INS say2. * * Version 1.3.1 (July 2nd) * - Fixed german translation for new phrase, thanks Isias. * - Fixed issue of rtv becoming permanently "started" * * Version 1.3 (July 1st) * - Added new cvar, sm_rtv_maps. This lets you control the number of maps in the vote. It also acts as the nomination limit. See above. * - RTV is now delayed by 30 seconds on map start. Players must wait that long until trying to start it (New phrase, get the translation file!) * - Votes needed is now recalculated each time a player connects or disconnects, rather than the first time someone says "RTV". If someone disconnects, causing the votes to be higher than the needed value, RTV will begin. * - RTV is now delayed 2 seconds after the needed votes are reached. I didn't like it immediately appearing, bugged me for some reason. * - You can now use: bind key "say rtv" * * Version 1.2 (June 20th) * - Fixed nominate command, you can now nominate until the vote is displayed. * - Changed the RTVStarted phrase slightly. * * Version 1.1 (June 29th) * - Added sm_rtv_file so that you can customize the map file without editing the plugin. * - Conformed to plugin submission rules * - Added version cvar sm_rockthevote_version * - Bots excluded from "vote required" total. * * Version 1.0 * - German Translation * - Added a check for number of nominations after user picks a map, in case multiple people tried to nominate at the same time. * - Forgot to set g_bRTVEnded when it ended. * - Visual fix for when player selects current map * * Version 0.7 * - Uh.. whoops. We now increment the votes when they are cast. * - Close the menu on map end, so it's ready to be rebuilt next map. * - Set g_bNominated when a player successfully nominates.. rofl. * - I shouldn't code at work. * * Version 0.6 * - Fixed translation error in nomination handler * - Fixed checking client 0 for "is in game" * */ #include
#pragma semicolon 1 #define PLUGIN_VERSION "1.4" public Plugin:myinfo = { name = "RockTheVote", author = "ferret", description = "Provides RTV Map Voting", version = PLUGIN_VERSION, url = "" }; #define MAXMAPS 128 new String:g_MapNames[MAXMAPS][32]; new g_MapCount = 0; new g_NextMapsCount = 0; new g_NextMaps[6]; new Handle:g_hMapMenu = INVALID_HANDLE; new Handle:g_Cvar_Needed = INVALID_HANDLE; new Handle:g_Cvar_File = INVALID_HANDLE; new Handle:g_Cvar_Maps = INVALID_HANDLE; new Handle:g_Cvar_Nominate = INVALID_HANDLE; new Handle:g_Cvar_MinPlayers = INVALID_HANDLE; new bool:g_CanRTV = false; new bool:g_RTVAllowed = false; new bool:g_RTVStarted = false; new bool:g_RTVEnded = false; new g_Voters = 0; new g_Votes = 0; new g_VotesNeeded = 0; new bool:g_Voted[MAXPLAYERS+1] = {false, ...}; new bool:g_Nominated[MAXPLAYERS+1] = {false, ...}; public OnPluginStart() { LoadTranslations("common.phrases"); LoadTranslations("plugin.rockthevote"); CreateConVar("sm_rockthevote_version", PLUGIN_VERSION, "RockTheVote Version", FCVAR_PLUGIN|FCVAR_SPONLY|FCVAR_REPLICATED|FCVAR_NOTIFY); g_Cvar_Needed = CreateConVar("sm_rtv_needed", "0.60", "Percentage of players needed to rockthevote (Def 60%)", 0, true, 0.05, true, 1.0); g_Cvar_File = CreateConVar("sm_rtv_file", "configs/maps.ini", "Map file to use. (Def configs/maps.ini)"); g_Cvar_Maps = CreateConVar("sm_rtv_maps", "4", "Number of maps to be voted on. 1 to 6. (Def 4)", 0, true, 2.0, true, 6.0); g_Cvar_Nominate = CreateConVar("sm_rtv_nominate", "1", "Enables nomination system.", 0, true, 0.0, true, 1.0); g_Cvar_MinPlayers = CreateConVar("sm_rtv_minplayers", "0", "Number of players required before RTV will be enabled.", 0, true, 0.0, true, 64.0); RegConsoleCmd("say", Command_Say); RegConsoleCmd("say2", Command_Say); // INS RegConsoleCmd("say_team", Command_Say); RegAdminCmd("sm_rtv_addmap", Command_Addmap, ADMFLAG_CHANGEMAP, "sm_rtv_addmap
- Forces a map to be on the RTV, and lowers the allowed nominations."); } public OnMapStart() { g_NextMapsCount = 0; g_Voters = 0; g_Votes = 0; g_VotesNeeded = 0; g_RTVStarted = false; g_RTVEnded = false; decl String:MapListPath[256], String:MapListFile[64]; GetConVarString(g_Cvar_File, MapListFile, 64); BuildPath(Path_SM, MapListPath, sizeof(MapListPath), MapListFile); if (!FileExists(MapListPath)) { new Handle:hMapCycleFile = FindConVar("mapcyclefile"); GetConVarString(hMapCycleFile, MapListPath, sizeof(MapListPath)); } LogMessage("[RTV] Map Cycle Path: %s", MapListPath); if (LoadSettings(MapListPath)) { BuildMapMenu(); g_CanRTV = true; CreateTimer(30.0, Timer_DelayRTV); } else { LogMessage("[RTV] Cannot find map cycle file, RTV not active."); g_CanRTV = false; } } public OnMapEnd() { CloseHandle(g_hMapMenu); g_hMapMenu = INVALID_HANDLE; g_RTVAllowed = false; } public bool:OnClientConnect(client, String:rejectmsg[], maxlen) { if(IsFakeClient(client)) return true; g_Voted[client] = false; g_Nominated[client] = false; g_Voters++; g_VotesNeeded = RoundToFloor(float(g_Voters) * GetConVarFloat(g_Cvar_Needed)); return true; } public OnClientDisconnect(client) { if(IsFakeClient(client)) return; if(g_Voted[client]) { g_Votes--; } g_Voters--; g_VotesNeeded = RoundToFloor(float(g_Voters) * GetConVarFloat(g_Cvar_Needed)); if (g_Votes >= g_VotesNeeded && g_RTVAllowed && g_Voters != 0) { CreateTimer(2.0, Timer_StartRTV); } } public Action:Command_Addmap(client, args) { if (args < 1) { ReplyToCommand(client, "[SM] Usage: sm_rtv_addmap
"); return Plugin_Handled; } decl String:mapname[64]; GetCmdArg(1, mapname, sizeof(mapname)); new map = -1; for (new i = 0; i < g_MapCount; i++) { if(strcmp(g_MapNames[i], mapname, false) == 0) { map = i; break; } } if (map == -1) { ReplyToCommand(client, "%t", "Map was not found", map); return Plugin_Handled; } if (g_NextMapsCount > 0) { for (new i = 0; i < g_NextMapsCount; i++) { if (map == g_NextMaps[i]) { ReplyToCommand(client, "%t", "Map Already In Vote", g_MapNames[map]); return Plugin_Handled; } } new start = (g_NextMapsCount == 6 ? 4 : g_NextMapsCount - 1); for (new i = start; i < 0; i--) { g_NextMaps[i+1] = g_NextMaps[i]; } if (g_NextMapsCount < 6) g_NextMapsCount++; } else g_NextMapsCount = 1; decl String:item[64]; for (new i = 0; i < GetMenuItemCount(g_hMapMenu); i++) { GetMenuItem(g_hMapMenu, i, item, sizeof(item)); if (strcmp(item, g_MapNames[map]) == 0) { RemoveMenuItem(g_hMapMenu, i); break; } } g_NextMaps[0] = map; ReplyToCommand(client, "%t", "Map Inserted", g_MapNames[map]); if (client) LogMessage("[RTV] %L inserted map %s.", client, map); return Plugin_Handled; } public Action:Command_Say(client, args) { if (!g_CanRTV || !client) return Plugin_Continue; decl String:text[192], String:command[64]; GetCmdArgString(text, sizeof(text)); GetCmdArg(0, command, sizeof(command)); new startidx = 0; if(text[strlen(text)-1] == '"') { text[strlen(text)-1] = '\0'; startidx = 1; } if (strcmp(command, "say2", false) == 0) startidx += 4; if (strcmp(text[startidx], "rtv", false) == 0 || strcmp(text[startidx], "rockthevote", false) == 0) { if (!g_RTVAllowed) { PrintToChat(client, "[RTV] %t", "RTV Not Allowed"); return Plugin_Continue; } if (g_RTVEnded) { PrintToChat(client, "[RTV] %t", "RTV Ended"); return Plugin_Continue; } if (g_RTVStarted) { PrintToChat(client, "[RTV] %t", "RTV Started"); return Plugin_Continue; } if (GetClientCount(true) < GetConVarInt(g_Cvar_MinPlayers) && g_Votes == 0) { PrintToChat(client, "[RTV] %t", "Minimal Players Not Met"); return Plugin_Continue; } if (g_Voted[client]) { PrintToChat(client, "[RTV] %t", "Already Voted"); return Plugin_Continue; } new String:name[64]; GetClientName(client, name, sizeof(name)); g_Votes++; g_Voted[client] = true; PrintToChatAll("[RTV] %t", "RTV Requested", name, g_Votes, g_VotesNeeded); if (g_Votes >= g_VotesNeeded) { CreateTimer(2.0, Timer_StartRTV); } } else if (GetConVarBool(g_Cvar_Nominate) && strcmp(text[startidx], "nominate", false) == 0) { if (g_RTVStarted) { PrintToChat(client, "[RTV] %t", "RTV Started"); return Plugin_Continue; } if (g_Nominated[client]) { PrintToChat(client, "[RTV] %t", "Already Nominated"); return Plugin_Continue; } if (g_NextMapsCount >= GetConVarInt(g_Cvar_Maps)) { PrintToChat(client, "[RTV] %t", "Max Nominations"); return Plugin_Continue; } DisplayMenu(g_hMapMenu, client, MENU_TIME_FOREVER); } return Plugin_Continue; } public Action:Timer_DelayRTV(Handle:timer) { g_RTVAllowed = true; } public Action:Timer_StartRTV(Handle:timer) { if(!g_RTVAllowed) return; PrintToChatAll("[RTV] %t", "RTV Vote Ready"); g_RTVStarted = true; new Handle:hMapVoteMenu = CreateMenu(Handler_MapVoteMenu); SetMenuTitle(hMapVoteMenu, "%t", "Rock The Vote"); for (new i = 0; i < g_NextMapsCount; i++) { AddMenuItem(hMapVoteMenu, g_MapNames[g_NextMaps[i]], g_MapNames[g_NextMaps[i]]); } new mapIdx; for (new i = g_NextMapsCount; i < (g_MapCount < GetConVarInt(g_Cvar_Maps) ? g_MapCount : GetConVarInt(g_Cvar_Maps)); i++) { mapIdx = GetRandomInt(0, g_MapCount - 1); while (IsInMenu(mapIdx)) if(++mapIdx >= g_MapCount) mapIdx = 0; g_NextMaps[i] = mapIdx; AddMenuItem(hMapVoteMenu, g_MapNames[mapIdx], g_MapNames[mapIdx]); } decl String:nochange[64]; Format(nochange, 64, "%T", "Don't Change", LANG_SERVER); AddMenuItem(hMapVoteMenu, nochange, nochange); SetMenuExitButton(hMapVoteMenu, false); VoteMenuToAll(hMapVoteMenu, 20); LogMessage("[RTV] Rockthevote was successfully started."); } public Action:Timer_ChangeMap(Handle:hTimer, Handle:dp) { new String:map[65]; ResetPack(dp); ReadPackString(dp, map, sizeof(map)); ServerCommand("changelevel \"%s\"", map); return Plugin_Stop; } public Handler_MapVoteMenu(Handle:menu, MenuAction:action, param1, param2) { if (action == MenuAction_End) { CloseHandle(menu); menu = INVALID_HANDLE; } else if (action == MenuAction_Select) { new String:voter[64], String:choice[64]; GetClientName(param1, voter, sizeof(voter)); GetMenuItem(menu, param2, choice, sizeof(choice)); PrintToChatAll("[RTV] %t", "Selected Map", voter, choice); } else if (action == MenuAction_VoteEnd) { new String:map[64]; new votes, totalVotes; GetMenuVoteInfo(param2, votes, totalVotes); if (totalVotes < 1) { PrintToChatAll("[RTV] %t", "No Votes"); return; } GetMenuItem(menu, param1, map, sizeof(map)); if (param1 == GetConVarInt(g_Cvar_Maps)) { PrintToChatAll("[RTV] %t", "Current Map Stays"); LogMessage("[RTV] Rockthevote has ended, current map kept."); } else { PrintToChatAll("[RTV] %t", "Changing Maps", map); LogMessage("[RTV] Rockthevote has ended, changing to map %s.", map); new Handle:dp; CreateDataTimer(5.0, Timer_ChangeMap, dp); WritePackString(dp, map); } g_RTVEnded = true; } } public Handler_MapSelectMenu(Handle:menu, MenuAction:action, param1, param2) { if (action == MenuAction_Select) { if (g_NextMapsCount >= GetConVarInt(g_Cvar_Maps)) { PrintToChat(param1, "[RTV] %t", "Max Nominations"); return; } decl String:map[64], String:mapIndex[16], String:name[64]; GetMenuItem(menu, param2, mapIndex, 16, _, map, 64); new mapIdx = StringToInt(mapIndex); for (new i = 0; i < g_NextMapsCount; i++) { if (g_NextMaps[i] == mapIdx) { PrintToChat(param1, "[RTV] %t", "Map Already Nominated"); return; } } GetClientName(param1, name, 64); g_NextMaps[g_NextMapsCount] = mapIdx; g_NextMapsCount++; RemoveMenuItem(menu, param2); g_Nominated[param1] = true; PrintToChatAll("[RTV] %t", "Map Nominated", name, map); } } bool:IsInMenu(mapIdx) { for (new i = 0; i < GetConVarInt(g_Cvar_Maps); i++) if (mapIdx == g_NextMaps[i]) return true; return false; } LoadSettings(String:filename[]) { if (!FileExists(filename)) return 0; new String:text[32]; g_MapCount = 0; new Handle:hMapFile = OpenFile(filename, "r"); while (g_MapCount < MAXMAPS && !IsEndOfFile(hMapFile)) { ReadFileLine(hMapFile, text, sizeof(text)); TrimString(text); if (text[0] != ';' && strcopy(g_MapNames[g_MapCount], sizeof(g_MapNames[]), text) && IsMapValid(g_MapNames[g_MapCount])) { ++g_MapCount; } } return g_MapCount; } BuildMapMenu() { if (g_hMapMenu != INVALID_HANDLE) { CancelMenu(g_hMapMenu); CloseHandle(g_hMapMenu); g_hMapMenu = INVALID_HANDLE; } g_hMapMenu = CreateMenu(Handler_MapSelectMenu); SetMenuTitle(g_hMapMenu, "%t", "Nominate Title"); decl String:MapIndex[8]; for (new i = 0; i < g_MapCount; i++) { IntToString(i, MapIndex, 8); AddMenuItem(g_hMapMenu, MapIndex, g_MapNames[i]); } SetMenuExitButton(g_hMapMenu, false); }
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